Wallpapers & Wallcoverings
4 months ago | 3 views

we are the exclusive agent for reputable brands from Europe and USA, offering an extensive collection of wallcoverings to cater to infinite imaginations of ideally furnished tailor-made ambiences.
Xessex influences fashion trends with its collections and experienced wallcovering hangers. With regional offices in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and China, they constantly introduce new quality creations to meet clients' changing demands in local and international sectors.

15 reasons to use #Vescom ‘s vinyl #wallcovering in contract interiors:

1. a wide range of colours and structures for every space

2. strong and durable

3. flame retardant and colourfast to light

4. a healthy, conscious choice

5. easy-to-clean and disinfectable

6. disinfectable with alcohol and active chlorine

7. simple to install

8. optically seamless

9. easy to repair

10. available with customized prints

11. possibility for custom prints on standard wallcovering

12. can come in customized colours

13. can double as a presentation surface

14. safe for use on ships

15. in-house production and superior service

Conditions: Brand new

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Wallpapers & Wallcoverings
4 months ago | 3 views
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